Dreaming at too many fantasies … we end up living an illusory life. … and nothing good really happens … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Today i see so, so many people being dominated of lots of weird … desires.

They define all that as … fantasies.

Yes …. the term fantasy sounds … much, much better … until one day when we realize that we invest lots of time and energy into that direction.

We actually live into an illusory reality from our minds … wanting it so much … that we totally forget about our daily lives.

I could almost say that we become prisoners of those parallel universes … being totally dominated by those obsessive desires … redefined as … fantasies.

I analyze my own case … and i realize i am somehow a virtual machine for inducing fantasies … and this is probably one of the reasons why i’ve wrote so many books with love essays.

My mind is indeed dominated by lots of thoughts …. that have nothing to do with reality … but unfortunately i believe they are really important for us ... to become real.



I am in fact totally disconnected from reality, not carrying at all … of the present moment.

And i keep living like that.

On and on and on.

Dreaming of … illusions … instead of being connected to my real life.

And … i end up all the time … feeling unhappy realizing this huge gap between reality and the illusory reality from my mind.




Download the book ”Dominating and being dominated ... a way of wasting our lives – philosophical essayswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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